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Simone Jacoby Awarded GLSHF Scholarship

Congratulations, Simone Jacoby! Simone is one of thirteen awardees of the health-focused scholarships from the Greater Lee's Summit Healthcare Foundation in 2019. Her award was for $5,000.

Simone says, "I am a third year student attending the University of Missouri, Kansas City's six year medical program. I hope to pursue a career in aerospace medicine and work with astronauts to study the effects of space travel on the human body. This generous scholarship from the Greater Lee's Summit Healthcare Foundation gives me the financial support to reach for the stars instead of a salary."

Since 2003, GLSHF has granted more than $1.4 million in scholarships or grants to a multitude of awardees designed to impact the health and well-being of the greater Lee’s Summit community.

Eligibility criteria, applications and application deadlines are available at

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